It’s been a cold spring, but the warblers are returning on schedule, and the wildflowers are slowly beginning to catch up. By Mother’s Day weekend, the woods and meadows should be bursting with activity, and I don’t imagine very many readers of this post will be willing to remain indoors, even if it’s raining. So plan to join us for the annual Terry Wentz Memorial Hike on the Lower Trail led by Alice Kotala. It will be an easy, five-mile hike from Mount Etna to Alfarata along our area’s premiere rail-trail through an outstanding example of a Ridge and Valley riparian forest.
More than 150 species of birds have been identified along the Lower Trail, and if you go on the hike, be sure to take note of everything you see and hear, because the second Saturday in May is also Pennsylvania Annual Migration Count (PAMC) and International Migratory Bird Day. This is a more informal count than the Christmas Bird Count, but the data is still of great use to ornithologists and ecologists tracking the movements and numbers of neotropical migrants, especially as climate change takes hold. There’s a compiler for each county; the complete list is on the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology website. As Blair County compiler Michael David explains,
This is a fairly unstructured event – simply go birding anywhere in the state on the 10th and, to the best of your ability, identify and count every bird you see. Record the time you started and stopped and how far you walked and drove and that’s it!
The Lower Trail hike doesn’t begin until 1:00, so you have all morning to go birding in your neighborhood or back forty.

Finally, on Mother’s Day itself, I’m leading a wildflower ramble with my mother, naturalist-writer Marcia Bonta, through one of central Pennsylvania’s best spots for spring wildflowers — not to mention the Oriskany sandstone rock formations that give this state forest natural area its name. It will be fun to see what’s in bloom this year. Photographers are welcome (but be very careful to stay on trail and not trample anything). We meet there at 10:00. Go to the event listing for full details and a good map.
To whet your appetite, read Stan Kotala’s “On the Trail” column about the place.