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“Glass: A Silent Killer” with Peter G. Saenger


Tue Feb 15, 2022    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Type

via ZOOM only

Between 365 million and one billion birds die colliding with glass in the USA annually. The low estimate equals an average of one million birds each and every day. The Bird-window Collision Working Group (BCWG), using Dr. Daniel Klem’s decades of research put together what is called a “Tool Kit” to help educate the public on this serious and underappreciated conservation issue. The main part of this Tool Kit is a 72 slide PowerPoint covering the topic from the What, Where, When, Why, and How to Stop It.
Peter Saenger will present the PowerPoint and offer to review the Tool Kit for anyone interested in giving a presentation on the topic to other groups they may know.

Peter G. Saenger was raised in rural Berks County, Pennsylvania and was first attracted to and enjoyed studying birds during a second-grade field trip to nearby Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. From then on his interests in birds continued to increase and were nurtured at a professional level when he was selected to work on a research project to study the birds of Armenia at Muhlenberg College in the 1990s. His bird expertise resulted in his current appointment as an endowed research ornithologist and collection manager in the bird museum within The Acopian Center for Ornithology, Department of Biology, Muhlenberg College. He currently is the president of the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society and membership chair for the Wilson Ornithological Society.