Deb Tencer leads this 2-hour hike on The Nature Conservancy's Brush Mountain Woodlands (map), looking for wildflowers and mountain laurel. Some parts of the trail [...]
Fellow nature lover Brenda Palmer will lead a 2-hour nature walk on rolling hills through woods and meadows of the Peace Chapel, a 14-acre environmental [...]
An update from Molly Anderson, 11 September: "Due to current acorn conditions (or lack thereof) we will be cancelling this workday after all. It’s such [...]
Join the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology (PSO) and Chad Kauffman ([email protected]) at this hawk watch, located in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania at the summit of Jacks [...]
The majestic bald eagle, one of America's most iconic wildlife species, will be the topic of a program given by Northern Blair County Wildlife Conservation Officer William Brehun. The rising numbers of known adult nesting pairs and their successful reproduction rate bring a large amount of excitement and increased interest in the bald eagle.
Join Sarah Chamberlain, botanist at Penn State University, for a walk through Hartley Wood at the Penn State Arboretum to look for trees, shrubs, ferns [...]
Meet at 1:00 at the Water Street entrance of the Lower Trail to hunt for fall mushrooms with local mushroom expert Karen Croyle ([email protected]). We [...]
JVAS Conservation Chair Dr. Stan Kotala will lead a 3-mile strenuous hike on Winkelblech Mountain in northern Centre County. Meet in the parking lot of [...]