
April 27, 2024    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Reservoir Park, Tyrone
901 W 15th St, Tyrone, Pennsylvania, 16686

Event Type

Join us at the parking lot beside the Tyrone Pool across the road from Reservoir Park in Tyrone for a fun saunter around the trails and loop of Reservoir Park in Tyrone in search of birds, wildlife, wildflowers, and fungi. The trail runs along streamside habitat, so we are hopeful for a myriad of species.

WHAT TO BRING: binoculars, comfortable walking shoes, drink, or snack if desired.

JVAS members at Reservoir Park

If you have questions or need more information, contact JVAS Field Trip Chair Michael Kensinger at (814) 505-3410 or email him at [email protected]. If inclement weather arrives this day, please contact Michael to verify that this event is still taking place for the sake of everyone’s safety and well-being. Field Trip Chair reserves the right to cancel at the last minute should unexpected dangerous weather patterns occur. We hope to see you there!!!!