The Juniata Valley Audubon Society’s September meeting will feature a program on Collecting and Conservation in Papua New Guinea. Join us at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at the Bellwood-Antis Public Library for gorgeous photos and captivating stories of adventure. Ron Johnson will describe his three expeditions to the second largest island in the world — home to more than 700 species of birds, including 33 birds of paradise. Johnson will explain the importance of the expeditions, tribal culture diversity and the urgency to preserve the world’s third largest rainforest.
Ron Johnson was Curator of Birds at Jacksonville, Minnesota and Miami Zoos. He recently retired from the University of Wisconsin as an Aquaculture Outreach Specialist. He now lives in Pennsylvania and is a member of JVAS.
As an added bonus, Papua New Guinea regional “treats” will be offered at the meeting. JVAS Programs, designed for a general audience, are free and open to the public.
Directions: Take I-99 to the Bellwood/Route 865 Exit (Exit 41). Follow Rt. 865 through the Sheetz/Martin intersection. Proceed about four blocks and turn right at the “Business District” sign just before the railroad overpass. Turn left at the dead end and travel to the stop sign. Continue a short distance; the library will be on your right.