Browse the events page on our website to see what’s on tap through June. JVAS programs, field trips, our annual banquet and our annual picnic are all open to the public. If you want a paper copy of the schedule and don’t subscribe to the Gnatcatcher, you might print out and save the relevant pages from the PDF of the latest issue. The web descriptions link to location pages with maps and, in some cases, driving directions.

We think we have a great line-up this year, including two driving tours, a special focus on Golden-winged Warblers, and a wide geographical spread — all the way from Everett to Milheim. Whether you’re a fan of birds, wildflowers, herps, rocks, trees, views, or conservation issues, there’s something in the calendar that ought to appeal.

The field trips listed in the Gnatcatcher and on the website are our “official” field trips, but a number of other, impromptu hikes and outings also take place throughout the year in response to weather events, fickle wildflower blooming dates, and other things that favor more last-minute planning. To learn about these, we encourage everyone to “like” the Juniata Valley Audubon Society Facebook page and check it at least once a week.

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