“Birds Can Tell Us Things and We Should Listen: Lessons from the Ivory-billed Woodpecker and Pennsylvania’s Forest Species”
Presented by Ron Rohrbaugh, Director of Conservation Science and Forest Programs at Audubon Pennsylvania
Ron will explore the many ways in which birds serve as bioindicators to inform global conservation science and how we can learn from extinction and contemporary species declines.
Ron Rohrbaugh is the Director of Conservation Science and Forest Programs at Audubon Pennsylvania. Before coming to Audubon in May 2018, Ron spent 21 years as a conservation biologist at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology where he was the Assistant Director of the Conservation Science Program. His work focuses on strategic planning, science-based management, and technical training in forest ecosystems; developing conservation and recovery plans for land birds, such as Golden-winged Warbler and Wood Thrush; and creating conservation strategies and tools for use on public and private lands. Ron has special interest in translating science from applied and basic research into full life-cycle conservation strategies aimed at protecting and managing birds and their habitats; and in using history, social science, and silviculture to improve forest health for wildlife and human cultures. Ron completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at The Pennsylvania State University. He is Chair of the International Wood Thrush Conservation Alliance and a steering committee member of the Golden-winged Warbler Working Group.
Ron is an avid outdoorsman and freelance writer who focuses on experiences and storytelling to amplifying the role that hunters can play in conservation of our land and waters. He lives with his wife Debbie and their two children, Rex and Leela in a cabin near Moshannon State Forest, just west of State College, PA.
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