
September 19, 2023    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Bellwood-Antis Public Library
526 Main St., Bellwood, PA, 16617

Event Type

Artemis the Peregrine Falcon

UPDATE 9/18/23: Centre Wildlife Care’s Robyn Graboski had to postpone her presentation till at least next spring. Fortunately, JVAS President Mark Bonta was able to step up with a program called

Tyroner Travels the World – 12 Lessons Learned

This interactive talk distills the endless ramblings of a Tyrone-based geographer into a series of lessons on the world. Each lesson is preceded by a series of slides, and the audience tries to guess what the lesson is, and where the pictured places are. Photos go as far back as grainy scanned slides from 1986, and range across six continents. At the end is a geography quiz just to keep you on your toes.

Mark Bonta was born in Maine but moved to Tyrone at the age of two and has grown a bit since then. He survived the seventies and eighties in Tyrone, hung out in Plummer’s Hollow, and walked three miles to school each day, uphill both ways. In his quest for cool experiences, he acquired geography degrees and travelled to 40 countries on six continents, living in several of them, and writing up his findings. He and his wife Paola returned to the Tyrone area a few years ago and currently reside downtown. As far as exploring the world goes, they’re just getting started.

Robyn has promised us she will reschedule her visit sometime in the spring of 2024.

Robyn Graboski, licensed wildlife rehabilitator, who founded and directs Centre Wildlife Care (the area’s top wildlife rehab facility), will present a program featuring Artemis the Peregrine Falcon, Oreo the Baltimore Oriole, Opal the Opossum, and Bruce Wayne the Big Brown Bat. These animals are used for educational programs by Centre Wildlife Care since their injuries prohibit their return to the natural environment. For more information about Centre Wildlife Care: https://centrewildlifecare.org/about-us. Nature lovers of all ages will enjoy this program.

6 PM DINNER MENU: Salad Bar! Two different kinds of mixed greens, and tons of toppings including chicken and steak, beans and so much more. Vegan and gluten free options. Dessert will be gluten free lemon bars and chocolate trifle. Honduran shade-grown, organic hot coffee is also served.

Oreo the Baltimore Oriole