
May 23, 2015    
8:00 am - 2:00 pm


The Dream Restaurant
1500 Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, PA, 16648

Event Type

Golden-winged Warbler by Mark Peck
Golden-winged Warbler
(photo by Mark Peck, Creative Commons)

We will carpool from the parking lot at Dave’s Dream Restaurant in Hollidaysburg to State Gamelands 322 in Huntingdon County to search for one of Pennsylvania’s most secretive and elusive songbirds. They are breeding on SGL 322, so we should find them. Be prepared to walk short distances on trails. From there we will drive a to a nearby location on private property where Golden-winged Warblers may be seen or heard. Bring binoculars. Round trip distance is about 80 miles. Optional lunch at Dave’s Dream. Trip Leaders: Mike and Laura Jackson 814-652-9268.