
January 14, 2024    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Fort Roberdeau
383 Fort Roberdeau Rd, Altoona, PA, 16601

Event Type

Join us at White Oak Hall at Fort Roberdeau while we observe the feeders, socialize, and snack! 

Where: White Oak Hall 383 Fort Roberdeau Road, Altoona, PA 16601

What to bring: Binoculars, a lunch, sketching supplies (if you want to draw)! I’d recommend a camera if you’d like to take photos of the birds through the glass. I will bring some extra pencils and paper if you don’t have any.  I recommend wearing comfortable and warm clothing.   

We will tally bird species and see how many visit in three hours. Who knows? We may even see one of the Fort’s resident Red-headed Woodpeckers, or something completely unexpected!! 

No hiking required. This event will be indoors. 

For questions or concerns, or in case of inclement weather the day of, please email JVAS Field Trip Chair Michael Kensinger, or call at (814) 505-3410 to verify the event has not been cancelled.  We hope to see you there!

Golden-crowned Kinglet sketch by Michael Kensinger