
July 2, 2024    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Northern Blair County Recreation Center
4080 E Pleasant Valley Blvd, Altoona, PA

Event Type

Red-winged Blackbird

Join JVAS Secretary Conner Schmitt and our Treasurer George Mahon on a walk around the Ray Amato trail, located behind Northern Blair Recreational Center. If mowed, the trail is flat, and easy to navigate. Enjoy a myriad of species, ranging from native wildflowers and plants, to a host of birds, insects, and fungi. Wetland, stream side, grassland, and forest habitats are all present, allowing for habitat diversity in a relatively short distance.

Some members bring sketchbooks and art supplies to nature journal peacefully along the trail. Feel free to do that as well.

Please wear comfortable shoes and note that dogs are not allowed on the trail. Bring a water, and perhaps consider some insect repellent as mosquitos can be uncomfortably prolific at this time of year.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Field Trip Chair and President Michael Kensinger. Please also note that Field Trip Chair reserves any and all rights to cancel an event if ever safety is of a concern. You may call or text Michael at (814) 505 – 3410 to verify the event is still taking place in the event of inclement weather.