
December 3, 2024    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Northern Blair County Recreation Center
4080 E Pleasant Valley Blvd, Altoona, PA

Event Type

Join JVAS Secretary Connor Schmitt to peruse the nature trail that runs behind Northern Blair Recreational Center in Tipton, PA. Enjoy an easy-grade hike, where you will enjoy a variety of habitats including streamside (Little Juniata River), wetland (Robert P. Brooks Wetland), meadow, and forest. This location is always a great choice for birding due to the myriad of habitat choices. Even the NBCRC’s soccer field boasts Killdeer, Canada Geese, Eastern Bluebirds, and others that like a more open area.

What to bring: Please wear clothing suitable for weather conditions. Snack/drink. Binoculars if you have them. No dogs permitted on the nature trail.