golden eagle (photo by Mike Lanzone)Did you know that Pennsylvania provides a home to many Golden Eagles each winter? Our banquet presentation will feature Trish Miller, who is conducting ground-breaking research on Golden Eagles. We will also have a special visitor: a live Golden Eagle will be on display so you can get a close look at these magnificent birds. Golden eagles are the largest birds in Pennsylvania.
Trish Miller with a golden eagle (photo by Mike Lanzone)Trish Miller has a long-standing interest in bird conservation and spatial ecology. During her career she has worked for several state and private conservation organizations where she studied eagles and other birds. Trish currently works as a Wildlife Biologist at West Virginia University where she studies movement ecology and conservation of eagles. Her work focuses on the small population of eastern North American Golden Eagles and, more recently, Bald Eagles in the Chesapeake Bay region of VA.
Trish is a member of the Eastern Golden Eagle Working Group, an international collaborative of scientists and wildlife managers, who have been tracking Golden Eagles in eastern North America since 2006. Trish Miller will present information that the group has learned about the ecology, behavior, and conservation of this enigmatic bird.