Call or email JVAS Hospitality Chair Marcia Bonta to make reservations for the April 21, 2014 JVAS Spring Banquet: 814-684-3113 or [email protected]. Also, even if you can’t attend, please consider donating new or gently used nature-related items to the silent auction: books, artwork, crafts, bird boxes, native plants, clothing, jewelry… anything that might appeal to someone who loves nature and the outdoors. Contact JVAS President Laura Jackson if you have something to donate: 814-652-9268 or [email protected].
The dinner is at Hoss’s Steak & Sea House in Duncansville, whose all-you-can-eat buffet includes vegetarian options. The silent auction begins at 5:30 PM and dinner is at 6:00, followed by the presentation of our annual conservation award and a multimedia presentation on Golden-Winged Warblers. The featured speaker is ecologist Jeff Larkin, accompanied by his student D.J. McNeil, and they’ll be talking about their research on monitoring the response of Golden-winged Warblers to habitat management. See the event description for more information, including a map and directions.