
September 29, 2024    
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Bear Meadows Natural Area
Bear Meadows Road, Harris, PA, 16669

Event Type

Red Eft by Karen Smith

Join us at Bear Meadows Natural Area, located in Centre County just four miles south of Boalsburg, within Rockroth State Forest. On this walk, you will be guided by Angie Spagnoli as you peruse trails around the bog, which is surrounded by steep mountains and hiking trails. Angie will keep the pace fairly slow, and take trails that are not too extreme for our membership. This unique area deserves your attention as you meander and take in the flora and fauna of this treasured wildlife habitat.

What to bring: Please wear clothing suitable for weather conditions. Bug repellent. Boots, in case your feet get wet. Snack/drink. Binoculars if you have them to watch wildlife from a distance. If not, we will share.

In the event of inclement weather or otherwise dangerous conditions, Field Trip Chair Michael Kensinger reserves the right to cancel. Feel free to call or text Michael at (814) 505 – 3410 if you are unsure whether or not a field trip has been cancelled, or even just to check. You can also email him at [email protected].